Monday, December 28, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/28/09

#1) One rep max DL. Should have about 5 attempts of one with very challenging weight.

#2) 5x5 Snatch. Try to use a challenging weight and keep your hands on the bar for five reps. maybe start with just the the bar or less. If this is difficult due to your surroundings think about doing cleans instead.

#3) 5x200m (half lap). rest plenty. probably walking back around to the start of the track would be a good rest period.

#4) tabata this! 8 rounds of twenty seconds on, ten seconds off of pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats. all 8 rounds of each exercises will be done consecutively. So the workout will go for 16 minutes straight.

#5) AMRAP 8 minutes of:
-5 KB swings (50 lbs)
-5 burpees
-5 feet to bar

Monday, December 21, 2009


I would be interested to know the answers to the questions I put in the form below.

Happy Shortest Day of the Year!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/21/09

#1) run 1 mile. rest for half the time it took you to run. run 1/4 mile backwards. rest again, equal to the first rest period. run 1/2 mile. rest again, equal to the first rest period. run 1/8 mile backward.

#2) 75 overhead squats with 55 lbs. not for time. break up the reps however you like. lots of abs when it gets hard.

#3) 3x3 shoulder press. 4x4 push press. 5x5 push jerk.

#4) for time:

20 cal on rower (sub dead lifts @ 3/4 bodyweight if no rower)
30 pullups
40 kb swings (16 kg)
50 burpees
60 box jumps (20")
70 sit ups
80 double unders

#5) tabata pushups

Monday, December 14, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/14/09

#1) set up two cones 20 yards apart. For two minutes run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 1 minute. For 90 seconds run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 45 seconds. For one minute run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 30 seconds. For 30 seconds run back and forth as many times as possible.

#2) 5x3 thruster. I would say to start at around 70lbs for your first set. you should be close to failure at some point.

#3) 3 rounds of 3 weighted pull ups, 5 dead hang pull ups, 7 kipping pull ups, 9 jump pull ups. Try to increase the weight every time. (if you cannot do dead hang pull ups or even kipping pull ups do 100 jump pull ups or 5 rounds of 5 smith pull ups and 10 jump pull ups).

#4) for time, rep rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:
-Sumo Dead Lift High pull (65 lbs).
-box jumps (20").
-sit ups.

#5) AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

-12 Kettle Bell swings (16 kgs).
-10 air squats.
-8 pushups (remember, no knee pushups. if you need to snake up and down that is fine).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/7/09

#1) 4x400 meters. rest about 2:1 (rest twice as long as it took you to run).

#2) Start with the weight at bodyweight and dead lift 3 times. add ten pounds after every 3 reps until 3 reps cannot be completed. Take your time. when failing on the DL, DO NOT ROUND YOUR BACK AND KEEP PULLING. JUST SET BACK DOWN OR DROP WHEN IT GETS TOO HEAVY.

#3) 4x6 one hand snatch. good start weight might be 20 lbs (use dumbells). (don't make fun of my harem of old men:). Get heavy with it!!!

#4) AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
-5 thrusters (70 lbs)
-5 pullups (jumping, not smith machine)
-5 burpees

#5) 4 rounds for time of:
-12 push-jerks (65 lbs).
-50 double unders.
-6 feet to bar.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/30/09

#1) Run 5 K

#2) 100 backsquats @ 1/2 bodyweight for time.

#3) 1 rep max: shoulder press, push press, push jerk.

#4) 21,15,9: sumo dead lift high pull #65, pushups, box jumps (20").
tabata hollow body rocks ( demo of hollow body rocks starts @ 39seconds). so 20 sec on and 10 sec off for 4 minutes of hollow body rocks.

#5) progressive running clock pullups. do 1 pullup in the first minute, two in the second minute, three in the third minute until you cannot complete a full round. sub jump pullups and not smith machine pullups.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/23/09

#1) 7x(10 air squats, sprint 50m) rest until fresh (or close to it) between rounds.

#2) One rep max weighted dead hang pullups. hold a dumbell with your feet or use one of those belts that you attach the weight to. If you can only do your bodyweight X1, that is your max. if you cannot do one dead hang pullup, use a smith machine if available. if no smith machine, attempt to pull up 5 times from a dead hang. Everyone follow this with 3 max hangs (see how long you can hold onto the bar without falling off). Then 5x3 front squat.

#3) Max reps of Bench Press @ 75,65 and 55lbs. 50 DL @bodyweight completed as fast as possible.

#4) 5X(5 one-arm snatch (each arm) w/ 30 lb dumbell, 15 burpees, 20 walking lunges, Rest 2 min).

#5) AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 pullups
10 dips
15 box jumps (20")

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


There is a concept in training called periodization. It contends that by training in phases you will be able to reach and maintain your peak performance level most effectively. If you are already a very fit person, are aspiring to play higher levels of rugby and want to have peak performance in the spring you will want to follow these guidelines. Meaning for now you might want to be resting for another week and definitely not doing anything but power lifting.

If you do not have aspirations of playing for the USA team and play rugby to stay in shape and perhaps could be in much better shape than you currently are just go ahead and follow the blog. I will be mixing in some periodization methodology to its format.

If anyone wants workouts that will follow, more strictly, a periodization plan let me know and we can talk about it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/16/09

#1) These are shuttles: 5x(80,60,40). So, sprint 80y, turn around and sprint 60y and turn around and sprint 40y. rest and repeat 5 times.

#2) 3x5 shoulder press. 5x3 bench press. Should fail at least once on each lift. Max reps of pushups and handstand pushups X2.

#3) 1 rep max clean. 1 rep max squat clean.

#4) As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 minutes of:

10 pullups
10 air squats

#5) Double alternating tabata of:

kettle bell swings and box jumps.

So for 20 seconds you will do as many KB swings (16kg) as possible followed by ten seconds rest followed by 20 seconds of box jumps (20") followed by ten seconds of rest and repeat 8 times. Basically:

20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest

I will be programming one extra strength day for the early stages of the offseason.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/9

#1) Sprint 200 (1/2 lap) every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (So 6 200s total).

#2) Max reps dead lift of your body weight. Basically, how many times can you dead lift your own body weight continuously (hands stay on the bar). Do this 5 times with as much rest as you like. If you cant get to ten on your first attempt scale the weight down 10-20 lbs.

#3) For time: Rep rounds of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of

- Box jumps
- Dips
- Wall Ball

#4) With a continuously running clock you will do as many hang cleans at 95lbs (probably 85 or less if youre not really strong in the cleans) as possible for 1 minute, followed immediately by 2 minutes of pullups, followed immediately by 3 minutes of double unders or rowing, followed immediately by 4 minutes of situps. Try and do some handstand holds against a wall afterwards.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/2/09

#1) Run 800, rest 5 min, run 800, rest 5 min, run 800 (800= 1/2 mile)

#2) 3 power cleans at 85% of max followed immediately by 3 rocket jumps (full squat to max height vertical jump). Do this 3 times with rest between. One rep max of shoulder press followed by one rep max of bench press.

#3) For time complete:
-30 burpees
-10 pull ups
-20 burpees
-20 pull ups
-10 burpees
-30 pull ups

#4) (If you are playing this weekend in the playoffs do not do this workout)
For time:

-50 push ups
-50 box jumps
-50 push press (15 lb dumbells)
-50 walking lunges
-50 situps
-50 KB swings (12 kg)
-50 feet to bar
-50 wallball (12 lbs)(if you cannot do wallball sub jump squats)

for walking lunges: back knee touches the ground. When u are standing up try to drive up through the heel of your front foot. Try not to let your knee come too far in front of you ankle.)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/26

#1) 4x40m sprints. 4x20m sprints. 4x10m sprints. 10 max distance broad jumps. 10 max hieght tuck jumps. 10 max one leg horizontal jumps (each leg).

#2) Max back squat. Max front squat, Max overhead squat.

#3) 21,15,9 of:
-DLs 135lbs or 75% of max DL.

#4) AMRAYC in 12 minutes of:
-8 burpees box jumps (do a burpee, then jump onto a 20" platform and stand up w/ full hip extension on top of the platform),
-15 situps.

*Note: these weights are prescribed for women and are 2/3 the weight I would prescribe for men.

Monday, October 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/19/09

1) Sprint 100y in 20 seconds or less, rest ten seconds and repeat until the 100y mark cannot be reached in 20 seconds. if you cannot complete at least 8 rounds, do at least 8 100m sprints in 20 sec with as little rest as possible.

2) 5x3 shoulder press, 3x5 bench press, 3 attempts of max rep push ups (so as many pushups in a row as possible, rest as long as desired and repeat 3x).

3) AMRAYC in 20 minutes of:
- 5 squat cleans, 80 lbs (or whatever you're comfortable with. no more than 95 lbs though).
- 7 burpees.
- 9 feet to bar.

4) For time, complete 5 rounds of:
- 15 KB swings (16 kg).
- 20 wallball (14 lbs).
- 25 Double unders.

*Note: these weights are prescribed for women and are 2/3 the weight I would prescribe for men.

Monday, October 12, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/12

1) Run as far as you can in 6 minutes. Rest 3 minutes. Run as far as you can in 4 minutes. Rest 2 minutes. Run as far as you can in 2 minutes. breathe.

2) 3x3 clean and jerk. 3x3 power clean. 3x3 dead lift. Should be close to failure on 3 rep of each set.

3) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds of:
Pull ups, shoulder press @45lbs, hip extensions (if no apparatus then do air squats).

4) 10 feet to bar, 20 jump squats, 30 pushups, 40 sit ups, 50 double unders, 60 burpees.

Monday, October 5, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/5

#1) Run 100 forward, run 100 backward X 10. rest as desired between (but run forward then backwards uninterrupted)

#2) 20xBacksquat @ 115 lbs (or challenging weight). Tabata squats (continuously 8x(20seconds work followed by 10 seconds of rest)).

#3) 21,15,9 of KB swings, burpees, feet to bar.

#4) As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of:
6 clean and jerk @ 80lbs
9 ring dips (or bar dips or pushups)
15 sit ups

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WODs for week of 9/28

#1) sprint 50 m every 30 seconds for 20 minutes.

#2) 3x5 power clen, 3x5 front squat, 3x5 push jerks. use a very challenging weight.

#3) complete rep rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:
kettle bell swings, burpees and pull ups

#4) 5x3 minute rounds of 3 feet to bar (hang from bar and touch feet to bar), 6 push ups and 9 air squats.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

WODs for 9/7

#1) 3x(5x10m) sprints. 5 starts from standing, 5 from on stomach and 5 from on back. Rest as desired. 10 max verticle jumps. 10 max broad jumps. 10 max sideways jumps off one leg. so jump to the left off your right leg and vise versa.

#2) 4 rounds for time of: 25 pull ups, 30 pushups, 35 box jumps.

#3) As many dead lifts as possible at 135lbs, 115 and 95lbs. rest as desired. should be getting somewhere between 10-20 reps, so if you need more weight please use a heavier load. Then do the same thing with overhead press with 20, 25, and 10 lb dumbells.

#4) 4x4 minute rounds w/ 1 minute rest of 4 sumo dead lift high pull, 8 sit ups and 12 double unders. If you cannot do double unders sub tuck jumps.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WODs for 8/26 - 9/3

#1) Double alternating Tabata Running and squats. For 20 seconds you will sprint as far as you can, rest 10 seconds, then for twenty seconds you will complete as many squats as possible, rest ten seconds and repeat. you will continuesly do a total of 8rounds of this. So the workout will take 7:50 to complete.

#2) 5x3 Backsquat, 3x5 front squat, 4x4 overhead squat.

#3) For time @65lbs, 5 rounds of:
12 dead lifts
9 Hang cleans
6 push jerks

#4) 6x2min w/ 30 sec rest of:
2 burpees, 3 pull ups, 4 box jumps.

Try to space out workout #2 and #3 by at least 2 days.

I will post a couple more running WODs next week.

Friday, August 21, 2009


If anyone has any questions of any kind or would like me to continue posting workouts please email me or post to comments. I hope, for anyone who followed them, that the workouts were fun, challenging and increased your capacity to do work during a rugby game. Good luck this season!

Friday, August 7, 2009

WODs for Week of 8/10

#1) This workout is not for time, do not be in a hurry. Do each set with adequate rest in between, 1-2 min roughly. You should fail/be very close to failure on every set so set your weights accordingly. start with approximately 66% of your one rep max (if you don't know then estimate) for your first set of 10 for each exercise.

3x (10,8,6) of:

Power clean and jerk ,

-Notice how she catches it on her shoulders and not with her hands. If your wrists are not flexible enough to do that then be careful when you are catching the weight.
-Pull the bar up and throw it up to yourself at a perpendicular angle to the ground.
-Start with the bar as close to your shins, if not touching, as possible.
-Your arms are straps. Do not bend your elbows until your legs are straight and are standing erect. This will allow you to recruit maximum leg power and transfer it to the bar
-In these videos she does a full squat when she receives the bar. That is not necessary. You can just catch it on your shoulders without squatting.

Dead Lift and Shoulder Press.

For the preceding three exercises you will complete one set of 10, 8 and 6 repetitions.

#2) 3x50m sprint, 3x100m sprint, 3/200m sprint. Rest as desired.

#3) 21,15,9 of Thrusters (65lbs) and Pull ups for time.

#4) As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes of:

-20 Box Jumps
-20 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders. I strongly encourage you to do double unders regardless of how bad you think you are or how much you think you'll never be able to do them.
-20 push ups. No more doing push ups on your knees. I don't care how you get to and from, but you need to begin in plank or the "up position" without your knees on the ground and your back parallel to the ground. If when doing your push up you need your knees to touch the ground before your chest and/or leave the ground after your chest that is fine. But all the way up and down.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

WODs for Week of 8/3

#1) 4x(Run 100m forwards, Run 100m backwards, 20 squats)

#2) Max Dead Lift, Max Backsquat, Max Shoulder press. About 5 sets of one for each exercise.

#3) There will be four exercise periods of 3 minutes with a one minute rest period between each round. So, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work.

During each work period you will do AMRAYC of:

-3 clean and jerks @75lbs
-6 burpees

You will start at the beginning of the list for each round. So if you finished the previous round on your second burpee, you will not begin the next round on the third.

#4) For time: 25 pull ups, 25 pushups, 15 Walking Lunges, 15 KB swings (16kg), 20 pull ups, 20 pushups, 20 Walking Lunges, 20 KB swings (16kg), 15 pull ups, 15 pushups, 30 Walking Lunges, 30 KB swings (16kg).

Monday, July 27, 2009

WODs for Week of 7/27

WOD #1 - Do as many backsquats in a row ias you can at the weight of 115lbs, rest a few minutes, do as many backsquats in a row as you can at the weight of 95lbs, rest a few minutes and the same thing at 75 lbs. if you feel uncomfortable doing these weights prescribe your own weights. You should be getting close to 20 reps at each of the weights, so prescribe accordingly.

WOD #2 - 5x(sprint 150m, jog 50m, walk 50m). You will complete all 5 progressions continuously. after you have done all 5 you will rest for a few minutes. Then 4x(run 100m, jog 50m, walk 50m). You will complete all 4 progressions continuously. after you have done all 4 you will rest for a few minutes. Then 3x(run 50m, jog 50m, walk 50m).

WOD #3 - You will complete rep rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of the following exercises:

1-Sumo Dead Lif High Pull (SDLHP, see previous workouts for links to videos)
2-Dips (preferably on the rings, if not on stationary bars, if not then pushups)
3-Burpees (we all know what these are by now i hope)

WOD #4 - 2xAMRAYC in 10 min with 2 minutes rest between rounds of

20 double unders or 60 single unders (jump rope)
15 KB swings @ 16kg
10 pull ups

Sunday, July 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 7/20

1-Max Push Jerk

2-10x50 yard sprints. rest as much as you like between sprints.

3- AMRAYC in 20 minutes of:
10 dead lifts @ 135 (or less)
12 pull ups (jumping or otherwise)
30 double unders or 100 single unders (jump rope). the double unders will be very challenging to learn. but dont get frustrated, just keep working at them and you will get them down. trust me i have gotten very uncoordinated people to do them.

4- 5 rounds for time of:
15 hip extensions
12 front squats. 85 lbs.
9 push ups

Monday, July 13, 2009

WODs for week of 7/13

-Run as far as you can in twenty minutes.

here are some running form tips. consult the exercises and demos link for additional running information.

.mov -
.wmv -

-you will act out the proceeding exercises for the itinerary provided:

work 5 min
rest 2.5 min
work 4 min
rest 2 min
work 3 min
rest 1.5 min
work 2 min
- 12 box jumps 20"
- 9 KB swing 16 kg
- 6 Overhead squats 45 lbs

5x5 shoulder press

21, 15, 9 of:

Power cleans (up to 100 lbs), Knees to Elbows and hand stand pushups (HSPU). if you cannot to handstand pushups do pushups with your feet elevated or regular push ups and then practice some static handstands after the WOD. try not to do this WOD and the previous in a row.

sorry for getting this up so late. out of town. and i didnt edit, so forgive any poor sentences.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week of 7/6/09

1: As Many Rounds As You Can (AMRAYC) in 20 minutes of:
21 burpees
14 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 65 lbs recommended (SDLHP)
7 Pull-ups (If jumping be sure that your arms are straight at the bottom and your chin is over the bar at the top)

post rounds completed. if you only get through half the round when the time runs out please write down what you completed. For example: 5 rounds +burpees+10 SDLHP

Post-WOD 40 hollow body rocks (

2: run a 200 (1/2 lap) starting every minute for six minutes. rest 3 minutes. run a 200 (1/2 lap) starting every minute for 3 minutes. note if you were able to complete the workout. if you cannot keep up then lengthen the period of time to 1:15.

3. 5x3 power clean.
40 Knees To Elbows

4: Rep rounds of 21, 15, 9 of the following exercises for time:
ring dips or regular dips or pushups
sit ups
wall ball
you will throw a 16 lb med ball at a target ten ft in the air. if you do not have a med ball or a wall do thrusters instead with 15 lb dumbells.
So, you will complete 21 repetitions of all of the exercises, then you will complete 15 repetitions of all of the exercises and then you will complete 9 repetitions of all the exercises. post times to comments.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Workouts for Week of 6/29

If you have any questions about any of the exercises please go to the link "Crossfit Exercises and Demos". If you cannot find the exercise in question there feel free to email me.

-5x50m sprints (sprint the 50 and walk back to the start and immediately start again.
-6 falling starts. stand with feet shoulder width, lean forward until close to falling, take off in a sprint for about ten steps. alternate which foot leads out.
-15 max vertical and broad jumps

-20 jumping pull ups (arms straight at bottom, chin over bar at the top. when recording note if you did pull ups without jumping)
-30 push-ups (arms straight at the top and chest touches at the bottom. when recording please note if you did them not on your knees.)
-40 sit ups (shoulders touch the ground and chest touches thighs. i advice the use of an abmat or something similar)
-50 squats (same standards as for the squat test)

You will complete this list as quickly as possible, rest 3 exactly minutes and repeat. you can do 2-5 rounds of this. When recording note how many rounds you did and your cumulative time.

-Dead Lifts. 5 sets of 5 reps(5x5).
-Shoulder press. 5x5.
-Back squat. 5x5

Set the loads at whatever you are comfortable with. If you have experience with these lift you should be close to failure on the 5th reps. If you have never done these exercises please try and get with someone who has and/or contact me for personal instruction and/or look at the links to dead lift instruction that i have provided. Be careful when deadlifting as they can be unsafe when performed improperly. be extra cafeful when setting down the weight as most dead lift injuries occur during this portion of the lift. Please see these links for instruction on performing a dead lift:

Dead Lift:

Rep rounds of 10,9,8...3,2,1 of:
-KB swings (16kg)
-Sit ups
-Knees to elbows

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Few Things

1-For those of you who have lacked a serious strength and conditioning program and decide to take part in this one, soreness is something that you will become familiar with. It will happen a lot, especially for the first two or three weeks. It is normal, it will not always be like this. It's OK if you cannot stand up or sit down without discomfort. Your muscles will become much more efficient at repair.

2-You will be placing much more exhaustive demand on your body for the next seven weeks. If you begin to experience a lot of fatigue (not during the workout) and are eating without direction it might be time to look into some basic eating methods/strategies.

3-You will need to warm up adequately for workouts. Warming up is not sitting on a bike, running on a treadmill or doing whatever it is people do on an elyptical. You need to be putting your joints through ranges of motion. Most importantly your midsection/lower back. It is the beginning point of all power that is created in the body. It is an area very dense with muscle attachments, bones, ligaments, spine, organs, etc. That being said it is very important to move that area around extensively. If you don not know how to do this the warm up that i do consists of:

-standing back etension
-standing hip etension
-wide angle forward fold and goiong opposite hand opposite leg. 10-20 reps.
-plank to up dog or cobra to down dog with some calf pumps back to plank. 4-8 reps
-hug knees into chest to a glute bridge (feet flat on the ground and hips raised high into the air). ~10reps
-lay flat on your back and raise a straight leg as high as it is able to remain straight and lower immediately.
-Same as previous except once the leg is at the top take it down across your body letting your hips stack on top of each other, return the leg to an upright position and then lower it. Alternate and repeat. ~10 reps
-Roll back to plough position (feet over your head) then roll up to a seated wide angle forward fold. Do 3 to the middle, three to the left and three to the right.
10 squats, ten pushups and situps. Spiderman walks and bearcrawls should be an adequate warm up.

3-Listen to your body! If it says that you need to take a rest day, do it. If it says to only workout three times this week, do it. If you are playing sevens and feel as though Saturday games and practice on Monday and Wednesday is already borderline too much, then do not participate in this workout program. This is a voluntary program for anyone who does not have a program follow or is interested in trying something new. We (NOVA rugby) are just trying to emphasize that strength and conditioning in the offseason is important.

Thats all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I will post four workouts weekly. It is expected that you record your times/scores posted before the new week starts. They can be done in any order and on any days.

If you have any questions, or even if you don't have questions about the exercises consult the "Crossfit Exercises and Demos" link I have posted.

Also, when posting your scores please proceed to the "Power Output Calculator" I have posted for you and enter in the appropriate information and along with your times(s), score(s), Weight used please post the scores at the bottom of the calculations for Watts, Horsepower and foot pounds/second.

Before We Get started...

-I wanted to be able to measure the effectiveness of program, so I thought that I would have y'all answer some questions and complete some physical tests.

-I will be administering the tests if you are available and would like to come to Washington Lee High School on Stafford Rd. near the Ballston Metro Station on Sunday, June 28 at 9:30am-11:00am for timing and instruction.

-If unavailable that day and would like to organize/post to comments when and where you would like to meet to do the tests with others feel free to do so.

-I would prefer that you do the tests before doing any of the workouts. There are four workouts that will be posted for next week.

-If you have any questions, comments please post them below as others might have the same questions and we could kill two birds with one stone. If you would like to set up individual or small group workouts with extra instruction let me know. Perhaps we could do something similar to the winter workout sessions at CrossfitFairfax.

-When you have completed both the physical and written tests please post your results or email them to me @


1. Rate your activity level. (1 being totally sedentary and 10 being maximally active).

2. How many days a week do you exercise? and what percent of those "active days" involve working until aerobic failure (usually involves intense physical activity).

3. How well do you eat? (1 being pizza and soda and 10 being strict zonediet (

Physical tests:

All in one day and in this order you will:

1 - run 800m (2 laps), 400m (1 lap) and 200m (1/2) for time. Take as much rest as desired.

2 - complete as many squats in 2 minutes as possible.
-Butt must go below knee.
-Must begin and end each rep with complete hip extension (standing straight up).

3 - Progressive burpee test: With a running clock one will complete one burpee in the first 60 seconds, then two burpees in the second minute and three in the third and so on until failure. Standards for burpees are as follows:
-Chest must touch the ground
-Simultaneously clap with arms covering your ears and your feet off the ground.

4 - Two cones will be set ten yards apart. For one minute you will go back and forth between the cones as many times as possible. Each time you reach one of the cones counts as one. Start at one cone, not in the middle. Foot must touch the line, you do not need to touch the line with your hand.
