Saturday, December 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/21/09

#1) run 1 mile. rest for half the time it took you to run. run 1/4 mile backwards. rest again, equal to the first rest period. run 1/2 mile. rest again, equal to the first rest period. run 1/8 mile backward.

#2) 75 overhead squats with 55 lbs. not for time. break up the reps however you like. lots of abs when it gets hard.

#3) 3x3 shoulder press. 4x4 push press. 5x5 push jerk.

#4) for time:

20 cal on rower (sub dead lifts @ 3/4 bodyweight if no rower)
30 pullups
40 kb swings (16 kg)
50 burpees
60 box jumps (20")
70 sit ups
80 double unders

#5) tabata pushups

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