Monday, December 14, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/14/09

#1) set up two cones 20 yards apart. For two minutes run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 1 minute. For 90 seconds run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 45 seconds. For one minute run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 30 seconds. For 30 seconds run back and forth as many times as possible.

#2) 5x3 thruster. I would say to start at around 70lbs for your first set. you should be close to failure at some point.

#3) 3 rounds of 3 weighted pull ups, 5 dead hang pull ups, 7 kipping pull ups, 9 jump pull ups. Try to increase the weight every time. (if you cannot do dead hang pull ups or even kipping pull ups do 100 jump pull ups or 5 rounds of 5 smith pull ups and 10 jump pull ups).

#4) for time, rep rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:
-Sumo Dead Lift High pull (65 lbs).
-box jumps (20").
-sit ups.

#5) AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

-12 Kettle Bell swings (16 kgs).
-10 air squats.
-8 pushups (remember, no knee pushups. if you need to snake up and down that is fine).

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