Saturday, December 5, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/7/09

#1) 4x400 meters. rest about 2:1 (rest twice as long as it took you to run).

#2) Start with the weight at bodyweight and dead lift 3 times. add ten pounds after every 3 reps until 3 reps cannot be completed. Take your time. when failing on the DL, DO NOT ROUND YOUR BACK AND KEEP PULLING. JUST SET BACK DOWN OR DROP WHEN IT GETS TOO HEAVY.

#3) 4x6 one hand snatch. good start weight might be 20 lbs (use dumbells). (don't make fun of my harem of old men:). Get heavy with it!!!

#4) AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
-5 thrusters (70 lbs)
-5 pullups (jumping, not smith machine)
-5 burpees

#5) 4 rounds for time of:
-12 push-jerks (65 lbs).
-50 double unders.
-6 feet to bar.

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