Sunday, September 6, 2009

WODs for 9/7

#1) 3x(5x10m) sprints. 5 starts from standing, 5 from on stomach and 5 from on back. Rest as desired. 10 max verticle jumps. 10 max broad jumps. 10 max sideways jumps off one leg. so jump to the left off your right leg and vise versa.

#2) 4 rounds for time of: 25 pull ups, 30 pushups, 35 box jumps.

#3) As many dead lifts as possible at 135lbs, 115 and 95lbs. rest as desired. should be getting somewhere between 10-20 reps, so if you need more weight please use a heavier load. Then do the same thing with overhead press with 20, 25, and 10 lb dumbells.

#4) 4x4 minute rounds w/ 1 minute rest of 4 sumo dead lift high pull, 8 sit ups and 12 double unders. If you cannot do double unders sub tuck jumps.

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