Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WODs for 8/26 - 9/3

#1) Double alternating Tabata Running and squats. For 20 seconds you will sprint as far as you can, rest 10 seconds, then for twenty seconds you will complete as many squats as possible, rest ten seconds and repeat. you will continuesly do a total of 8rounds of this. So the workout will take 7:50 to complete.

#2) 5x3 Backsquat, 3x5 front squat, 4x4 overhead squat.

#3) For time @65lbs, 5 rounds of:
12 dead lifts
9 Hang cleans
6 push jerks

#4) 6x2min w/ 30 sec rest of:
2 burpees, 3 pull ups, 4 box jumps.

Try to space out workout #2 and #3 by at least 2 days.

I will post a couple more running WODs next week.

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