Sunday, August 2, 2009

WODs for Week of 8/3

#1) 4x(Run 100m forwards, Run 100m backwards, 20 squats)

#2) Max Dead Lift, Max Backsquat, Max Shoulder press. About 5 sets of one for each exercise.

#3) There will be four exercise periods of 3 minutes with a one minute rest period between each round. So, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work.

During each work period you will do AMRAYC of:

-3 clean and jerks @75lbs
-6 burpees

You will start at the beginning of the list for each round. So if you finished the previous round on your second burpee, you will not begin the next round on the third.

#4) For time: 25 pull ups, 25 pushups, 15 Walking Lunges, 15 KB swings (16kg), 20 pull ups, 20 pushups, 20 Walking Lunges, 20 KB swings (16kg), 15 pull ups, 15 pushups, 30 Walking Lunges, 30 KB swings (16kg).


  1. #1 7:28 backwards running + squats = wobbly cool down run.

  2. Did #4 on 8/5 (and did #1 on 8/4, not 9/4, duh)

  3. #4 11:01 didn't have access to KB subbed a 25# DB
