Monday, July 13, 2009

WODs for week of 7/13

-Run as far as you can in twenty minutes.

here are some running form tips. consult the exercises and demos link for additional running information.

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-you will act out the proceeding exercises for the itinerary provided:

work 5 min
rest 2.5 min
work 4 min
rest 2 min
work 3 min
rest 1.5 min
work 2 min
- 12 box jumps 20"
- 9 KB swing 16 kg
- 6 Overhead squats 45 lbs

5x5 shoulder press

21, 15, 9 of:

Power cleans (up to 100 lbs), Knees to Elbows and hand stand pushups (HSPU). if you cannot to handstand pushups do pushups with your feet elevated or regular push ups and then practice some static handstands after the WOD. try not to do this WOD and the previous in a row.

sorry for getting this up so late. out of town. and i didnt edit, so forgive any poor sentences.


  1. Question: For workout #2 does that mean do as many reps of the 3 exercises as you can in the 'work' period? Also, are the 5x5 shoulder press a workout of their own or par of one of the others?

  2. for your first question, yes. for 5 minutes you will do the box jumps, kb swings and OH squats. 5x5 is a workout by itself.

  3. To clarify, did the 21/15/9 workout!
