Sunday, July 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 7/20

1-Max Push Jerk

2-10x50 yard sprints. rest as much as you like between sprints.

3- AMRAYC in 20 minutes of:
10 dead lifts @ 135 (or less)
12 pull ups (jumping or otherwise)
30 double unders or 100 single unders (jump rope). the double unders will be very challenging to learn. but dont get frustrated, just keep working at them and you will get them down. trust me i have gotten very uncoordinated people to do them.

4- 5 rounds for time of:
15 hip extensions
12 front squats. 85 lbs.
9 push ups


  1. Stanford and I ran #2 - sprint 50, walk 50 - and added exercises between every other one (push ups, sit ups, mountain climbers, star jumps).

  2. Ran #2 with star jumps (10), press ups (10), v sits (15), barfies (10)and air squats (20)... Nothing says Sunday morning like sprint workout the day after Marfu Tournament :)
