Monday, October 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/19/09

1) Sprint 100y in 20 seconds or less, rest ten seconds and repeat until the 100y mark cannot be reached in 20 seconds. if you cannot complete at least 8 rounds, do at least 8 100m sprints in 20 sec with as little rest as possible.

2) 5x3 shoulder press, 3x5 bench press, 3 attempts of max rep push ups (so as many pushups in a row as possible, rest as long as desired and repeat 3x).

3) AMRAYC in 20 minutes of:
- 5 squat cleans, 80 lbs (or whatever you're comfortable with. no more than 95 lbs though).
- 7 burpees.
- 9 feet to bar.

4) For time, complete 5 rounds of:
- 15 KB swings (16 kg).
- 20 wallball (14 lbs).
- 25 Double unders.

*Note: these weights are prescribed for women and are 2/3 the weight I would prescribe for men.

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