Saturday, October 24, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/26

#1) 4x40m sprints. 4x20m sprints. 4x10m sprints. 10 max distance broad jumps. 10 max hieght tuck jumps. 10 max one leg horizontal jumps (each leg).

#2) Max back squat. Max front squat, Max overhead squat.

#3) 21,15,9 of:
-DLs 135lbs or 75% of max DL.

#4) AMRAYC in 12 minutes of:
-8 burpees box jumps (do a burpee, then jump onto a 20" platform and stand up w/ full hip extension on top of the platform),
-15 situps.

*Note: these weights are prescribed for women and are 2/3 the weight I would prescribe for men.

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