Sunday, November 1, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/2/09

#1) Run 800, rest 5 min, run 800, rest 5 min, run 800 (800= 1/2 mile)

#2) 3 power cleans at 85% of max followed immediately by 3 rocket jumps (full squat to max height vertical jump). Do this 3 times with rest between. One rep max of shoulder press followed by one rep max of bench press.

#3) For time complete:
-30 burpees
-10 pull ups
-20 burpees
-20 pull ups
-10 burpees
-30 pull ups

#4) (If you are playing this weekend in the playoffs do not do this workout)
For time:

-50 push ups
-50 box jumps
-50 push press (15 lb dumbells)
-50 walking lunges
-50 situps
-50 KB swings (12 kg)
-50 feet to bar
-50 wallball (12 lbs)(if you cannot do wallball sub jump squats)

for walking lunges: back knee touches the ground. When u are standing up try to drive up through the heel of your front foot. Try not to let your knee come too far in front of you ankle.)

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