Sunday, November 15, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/16/09

#1) These are shuttles: 5x(80,60,40). So, sprint 80y, turn around and sprint 60y and turn around and sprint 40y. rest and repeat 5 times.

#2) 3x5 shoulder press. 5x3 bench press. Should fail at least once on each lift. Max reps of pushups and handstand pushups X2.

#3) 1 rep max clean. 1 rep max squat clean.

#4) As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 minutes of:

10 pullups
10 air squats

#5) Double alternating tabata of:

kettle bell swings and box jumps.

So for 20 seconds you will do as many KB swings (16kg) as possible followed by ten seconds rest followed by 20 seconds of box jumps (20") followed by ten seconds of rest and repeat 8 times. Basically:

20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest

I will be programming one extra strength day for the early stages of the offseason.

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