Sunday, November 22, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/23/09

#1) 7x(10 air squats, sprint 50m) rest until fresh (or close to it) between rounds.

#2) One rep max weighted dead hang pullups. hold a dumbell with your feet or use one of those belts that you attach the weight to. If you can only do your bodyweight X1, that is your max. if you cannot do one dead hang pullup, use a smith machine if available. if no smith machine, attempt to pull up 5 times from a dead hang. Everyone follow this with 3 max hangs (see how long you can hold onto the bar without falling off). Then 5x3 front squat.

#3) Max reps of Bench Press @ 75,65 and 55lbs. 50 DL @bodyweight completed as fast as possible.

#4) 5X(5 one-arm snatch (each arm) w/ 30 lb dumbell, 15 burpees, 20 walking lunges, Rest 2 min).

#5) AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 pullups
10 dips
15 box jumps (20")

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