Sunday, November 8, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/9

#1) Sprint 200 (1/2 lap) every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (So 6 200s total).

#2) Max reps dead lift of your body weight. Basically, how many times can you dead lift your own body weight continuously (hands stay on the bar). Do this 5 times with as much rest as you like. If you cant get to ten on your first attempt scale the weight down 10-20 lbs.

#3) For time: Rep rounds of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of

- Box jumps
- Dips
- Wall Ball

#4) With a continuously running clock you will do as many hang cleans at 95lbs (probably 85 or less if youre not really strong in the cleans) as possible for 1 minute, followed immediately by 2 minutes of pullups, followed immediately by 3 minutes of double unders or rowing, followed immediately by 4 minutes of situps. Try and do some handstand holds against a wall afterwards.

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