Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Before We Get started...

-I wanted to be able to measure the effectiveness of program, so I thought that I would have y'all answer some questions and complete some physical tests.

-I will be administering the tests if you are available and would like to come to Washington Lee High School on Stafford Rd. near the Ballston Metro Station on Sunday, June 28 at 9:30am-11:00am for timing and instruction.

-If unavailable that day and would like to organize/post to comments when and where you would like to meet to do the tests with others feel free to do so.

-I would prefer that you do the tests before doing any of the workouts. There are four workouts that will be posted for next week.

-If you have any questions, comments please post them below as others might have the same questions and we could kill two birds with one stone. If you would like to set up individual or small group workouts with extra instruction let me know. Perhaps we could do something similar to the winter workout sessions at CrossfitFairfax.

-When you have completed both the physical and written tests please post your results or email them to me @


1. Rate your activity level. (1 being totally sedentary and 10 being maximally active).

2. How many days a week do you exercise? and what percent of those "active days" involve working until aerobic failure (usually involves intense physical activity).

3. How well do you eat? (1 being pizza and soda and 10 being strict zonediet (

Physical tests:

All in one day and in this order you will:

1 - run 800m (2 laps), 400m (1 lap) and 200m (1/2) for time. Take as much rest as desired.

2 - complete as many squats in 2 minutes as possible.
-Butt must go below knee.
-Must begin and end each rep with complete hip extension (standing straight up).

3 - Progressive burpee test: With a running clock one will complete one burpee in the first 60 seconds, then two burpees in the second minute and three in the third and so on until failure. Standards for burpees are as follows:
-Chest must touch the ground
-Simultaneously clap with arms covering your ears and your feet off the ground.

4 - Two cones will be set ten yards apart. For one minute you will go back and forth between the cones as many times as possible. Each time you reach one of the cones counts as one. Start at one cone, not in the middle. Foot must touch the line, you do not need to touch the line with your hand.



  1. I've gotten a few questions about this already -

    If you're doing a program that you're well into, then just take the baseline fitness test now and then again at the beginning of the season.

    Stay with your program if it's working for you and it's high enough intensity. You can also email Ben (begreen12 at to adjust or incorporate elements of your program with this program.

    Continue to follow the blog to see what your teammates are up to and to see if there are exercises that you might be missing (and then try to incorporate them into your program somehow).

    Happy Training!

  2. Jane(Jim) - 3:03/800, 1:15/400, :33/200, 110/2minSquat, 14+12/burpees, 19/shuttle.

    Tamar - 3:53/800, 1:41/400, 37.5/200, 82/2minSquat, 14+5/burpees, 16/shuttle.

    Mel -
    3:20/800, 1:31/400, 37/200, 77/2minSquat, 7+0/burpees, 9/shuttle.

  3. Jane's answers:
    1. Eight
    2. 5 days/week. 2-3 are to aerobic failure.
    3. Five (meals are healthy, snacks are not)

  4. Beef-
    3:26 (800) 1:28 (400) :35 (200), 68/2 min squat, 8 + 7/barfies, 18/shuttle.


  5. Patch's Test Results:

    1) 8
    2) 5 days/week 2-3 to aerobic failure
    3) 7

    4:27(800); 1:54(400); :45(200); 59/2 min squats; 9 + 7/burpees; 15/Shuttle

  6. Baseline Fitness Testing completed, 7/1.
    Thank you!

  7. Fitness:

    4:54(800); 2:08(400); :49(200); 67/2 minute squats; 10+0/burpees, 15 shuttle

  8. Nice work so far ladies!

    Also, Beef wins for the best "rebranding" campaign - burpees >> barfies. Love it.

  9. 3:28(800); 1:30(400); :36(200); 77/2 minute squats; 10+6/burpees; 18 shuttle

  10. Rachel:

    800 - 3:30
    400 - 1:32
    200 - :38
    72 squats
    9+ 4 burpees
    19 shuttles

  11. DeMarr (7/3):
    4:39(800);2:07(400);:53(200);66/2min squats;8+8/burpees; 16/shuttles

  12. Meganne 7/1:
    3:45 (800); 1:36 (400); 44(200); 83 squats; 11+11 burpees; 14 shuttles

  13. Alpine 7/6:

    Activity Level: 7
    Exercise: 6 days/week, 2 to failure
    Eating habits: 7

    800: 3:11
    400: 1:25
    200: 0:35
    Squats: 95
    Burpees: 14 + 13
    Shuttles: 22

    Sal 7/6:

    Activity Level: 5
    Exercise: 4 days/week, 1 to failure
    Eating habits: 8

    800: 3:59
    400: 1:50
    200: 0:49

    Squats: 82
    Burpees: 10
    Shuttles: 20

  14. 800 - 3.30
    400 - 1.33
    200 - 36

    squats - 65

    Xfit Burpees - 10

    shuttles - 17
