Saturday, June 27, 2009

Workouts for Week of 6/29

If you have any questions about any of the exercises please go to the link "Crossfit Exercises and Demos". If you cannot find the exercise in question there feel free to email me.

-5x50m sprints (sprint the 50 and walk back to the start and immediately start again.
-6 falling starts. stand with feet shoulder width, lean forward until close to falling, take off in a sprint for about ten steps. alternate which foot leads out.
-15 max vertical and broad jumps

-20 jumping pull ups (arms straight at bottom, chin over bar at the top. when recording note if you did pull ups without jumping)
-30 push-ups (arms straight at the top and chest touches at the bottom. when recording please note if you did them not on your knees.)
-40 sit ups (shoulders touch the ground and chest touches thighs. i advice the use of an abmat or something similar)
-50 squats (same standards as for the squat test)

You will complete this list as quickly as possible, rest 3 exactly minutes and repeat. you can do 2-5 rounds of this. When recording note how many rounds you did and your cumulative time.

-Dead Lifts. 5 sets of 5 reps(5x5).
-Shoulder press. 5x5.
-Back squat. 5x5

Set the loads at whatever you are comfortable with. If you have experience with these lift you should be close to failure on the 5th reps. If you have never done these exercises please try and get with someone who has and/or contact me for personal instruction and/or look at the links to dead lift instruction that i have provided. Be careful when deadlifting as they can be unsafe when performed improperly. be extra cafeful when setting down the weight as most dead lift injuries occur during this portion of the lift. Please see these links for instruction on performing a dead lift:

Dead Lift:

Rep rounds of 10,9,8...3,2,1 of:
-KB swings (16kg)
-Sit ups
-Knees to elbows


  1. #2
    round 1 6:15.44
    round 2 7:47.60
    round 3 3:47.60 (but I could not do any more pull-ups!)

    completed sans knees to elbows; untimed

  2. #2

    Round 1 3:28
    Round 2 4:10
    Round 3: 4:47

  3. I did #2 a while ago but never recorded it. We did 3 rounds all between 4-5 min. But no pull up bar so we did lat pull downs and had to adjust weights....
