Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WODs for Week of 1/25/10


1) run as far as possible in 1 minute. rest 2 minutes. repeat 6 times.

2) 5x5 power clean. get heavy!!

3) 20 backsquats @ 50% of one rep max (estimate if you dont know)

4) for time: 25 pullups, 10 pushjerks X4 (stolen from crossfitfairfax).

5) AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
-5 ring dips (or bar. try not to do bench dips. id rather you do jumping ring or bar dips)
-row 150m (or sub 25 double unders or tuck jumps)
-5 one arm thrusters w/ 20 lb dumbell (each arm).

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