Monday, February 1, 2010

WODs for Week of 2/1/10

1) Sprint 100y every 30 seconds for 12 minutes (if u need to increase the period to 40 or 45 seconds, that is fine). rest 6 minutes. sprint 100y every 40 seconds for 6 minutes.

2) 2x800m runs. rest half the time it took you to run the first 800.

3) 3x3 power cleans. 3x5 shoulder press.

4) AMRAP 20 minutes of:
-10 power snatches (65 lbs)
-10 burpees
-50 double unders (sub tuck jumps if no rope or...)

5) double alternating tabata (20 seconds on ten seconds rest 8 rounds of each exercise. alternate between the two) of:
-kettle bell swings (16 kg)
-pull ups

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