Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WODs for Week of 1/25/10


1) run as far as possible in 1 minute. rest 2 minutes. repeat 6 times.

2) 5x5 power clean. get heavy!!

3) 20 backsquats @ 50% of one rep max (estimate if you dont know)

4) for time: 25 pullups, 10 pushjerks X4 (stolen from crossfitfairfax).

5) AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
-5 ring dips (or bar. try not to do bench dips. id rather you do jumping ring or bar dips)
-row 150m (or sub 25 double unders or tuck jumps)
-5 one arm thrusters w/ 20 lb dumbell (each arm).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

WODs for Week of 1/17/09

1) 50 x 10y sprint. sprint out and walk back

a-Max effort kettle bell or dumbbell swings with 55lbs, 45lbs, 35 lbs. (so do as many as you can safely complete without stopping your swing).
b-3x3 weighted or 3x max effort dead hang pull ups or 50 jump pullups (or smith machine or band assisted)

3) AMRAP in 2min of jumping goblet squats with 55lbs (holding the top part of the dumbbell with the heels of your hands under your chin). rest 1 minute. 90 seconds of jump squats (unweighted), rest 45 seconds, 1 minute goblet front squats, rest 30 seconds, air squats for 30 seconds.

4) 20 pushups, 100 situps, 40 pushups, 50 situps, 20 pushups, 100 situps. (use anchors for feet on situps. also should be using loosely rolled towel under low back just above the butt for the situps or "ABMAT".

5) for time: 30 clean and jerk @95 lbs. rest exactly how long it took you to complete them. 15 clean and jerk @ 95lbs.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


When does practice start?

Monday, January 11, 2010

WODs for Week of 1/11/10

#1) 3x800 (2 laps). rest as desired between.

#2) 5x5 dead lift

#3) Max overhead squat (be careful in globo gym), front squat and back squat.

#4) For time: 5 rounds of:
-10 one hand snatch (each hand) (25 lbs)
-15 dips (ring, bar or bench)
-20 Box Jumps (20") holding 25 lb plate.

#5) AMRAP in 12 minutes:
-6 jumping squats with 45 lb dumbbell. hold dumbbell with heels of hand so that your palms face up under your chin like so:
-8 pullups

Monday, January 4, 2010

WODs for Week of 1/4/10

#1) sprint 100m every 40 seconds for 12 minutes.

#2) 5x3 thruster.

#3) 4,3,2,1,1,1 power cleans.

#4) "Fran" 21,15,9 thrusters and pull ups (65 lbs).

#5) AMRAP in 15 minutes:

-35 DUs (double unders)
-20 push ups
-5 wizard sleeves (hanging snatches)