Sunday, November 29, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/30/09

#1) Run 5 K

#2) 100 backsquats @ 1/2 bodyweight for time.

#3) 1 rep max: shoulder press, push press, push jerk.

#4) 21,15,9: sumo dead lift high pull #65, pushups, box jumps (20").
tabata hollow body rocks ( demo of hollow body rocks starts @ 39seconds). so 20 sec on and 10 sec off for 4 minutes of hollow body rocks.

#5) progressive running clock pullups. do 1 pullup in the first minute, two in the second minute, three in the third minute until you cannot complete a full round. sub jump pullups and not smith machine pullups.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/23/09

#1) 7x(10 air squats, sprint 50m) rest until fresh (or close to it) between rounds.

#2) One rep max weighted dead hang pullups. hold a dumbell with your feet or use one of those belts that you attach the weight to. If you can only do your bodyweight X1, that is your max. if you cannot do one dead hang pullup, use a smith machine if available. if no smith machine, attempt to pull up 5 times from a dead hang. Everyone follow this with 3 max hangs (see how long you can hold onto the bar without falling off). Then 5x3 front squat.

#3) Max reps of Bench Press @ 75,65 and 55lbs. 50 DL @bodyweight completed as fast as possible.

#4) 5X(5 one-arm snatch (each arm) w/ 30 lb dumbell, 15 burpees, 20 walking lunges, Rest 2 min).

#5) AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 pullups
10 dips
15 box jumps (20")

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


There is a concept in training called periodization. It contends that by training in phases you will be able to reach and maintain your peak performance level most effectively. If you are already a very fit person, are aspiring to play higher levels of rugby and want to have peak performance in the spring you will want to follow these guidelines. Meaning for now you might want to be resting for another week and definitely not doing anything but power lifting.

If you do not have aspirations of playing for the USA team and play rugby to stay in shape and perhaps could be in much better shape than you currently are just go ahead and follow the blog. I will be mixing in some periodization methodology to its format.

If anyone wants workouts that will follow, more strictly, a periodization plan let me know and we can talk about it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/16/09

#1) These are shuttles: 5x(80,60,40). So, sprint 80y, turn around and sprint 60y and turn around and sprint 40y. rest and repeat 5 times.

#2) 3x5 shoulder press. 5x3 bench press. Should fail at least once on each lift. Max reps of pushups and handstand pushups X2.

#3) 1 rep max clean. 1 rep max squat clean.

#4) As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 minutes of:

10 pullups
10 air squats

#5) Double alternating tabata of:

kettle bell swings and box jumps.

So for 20 seconds you will do as many KB swings (16kg) as possible followed by ten seconds rest followed by 20 seconds of box jumps (20") followed by ten seconds of rest and repeat 8 times. Basically:

20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest
20 sec box jumps
10 sec rest
20 sec swings
10 sec rest

I will be programming one extra strength day for the early stages of the offseason.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/9

#1) Sprint 200 (1/2 lap) every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (So 6 200s total).

#2) Max reps dead lift of your body weight. Basically, how many times can you dead lift your own body weight continuously (hands stay on the bar). Do this 5 times with as much rest as you like. If you cant get to ten on your first attempt scale the weight down 10-20 lbs.

#3) For time: Rep rounds of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of

- Box jumps
- Dips
- Wall Ball

#4) With a continuously running clock you will do as many hang cleans at 95lbs (probably 85 or less if youre not really strong in the cleans) as possible for 1 minute, followed immediately by 2 minutes of pullups, followed immediately by 3 minutes of double unders or rowing, followed immediately by 4 minutes of situps. Try and do some handstand holds against a wall afterwards.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

WODs for Week of 11/2/09

#1) Run 800, rest 5 min, run 800, rest 5 min, run 800 (800= 1/2 mile)

#2) 3 power cleans at 85% of max followed immediately by 3 rocket jumps (full squat to max height vertical jump). Do this 3 times with rest between. One rep max of shoulder press followed by one rep max of bench press.

#3) For time complete:
-30 burpees
-10 pull ups
-20 burpees
-20 pull ups
-10 burpees
-30 pull ups

#4) (If you are playing this weekend in the playoffs do not do this workout)
For time:

-50 push ups
-50 box jumps
-50 push press (15 lb dumbells)
-50 walking lunges
-50 situps
-50 KB swings (12 kg)
-50 feet to bar
-50 wallball (12 lbs)(if you cannot do wallball sub jump squats)

for walking lunges: back knee touches the ground. When u are standing up try to drive up through the heel of your front foot. Try not to let your knee come too far in front of you ankle.)