Monday, December 28, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/28/09

#1) One rep max DL. Should have about 5 attempts of one with very challenging weight.

#2) 5x5 Snatch. Try to use a challenging weight and keep your hands on the bar for five reps. maybe start with just the the bar or less. If this is difficult due to your surroundings think about doing cleans instead.

#3) 5x200m (half lap). rest plenty. probably walking back around to the start of the track would be a good rest period.

#4) tabata this! 8 rounds of twenty seconds on, ten seconds off of pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats. all 8 rounds of each exercises will be done consecutively. So the workout will go for 16 minutes straight.

#5) AMRAP 8 minutes of:
-5 KB swings (50 lbs)
-5 burpees
-5 feet to bar

Monday, December 21, 2009


I would be interested to know the answers to the questions I put in the form below.

Happy Shortest Day of the Year!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/21/09

#1) run 1 mile. rest for half the time it took you to run. run 1/4 mile backwards. rest again, equal to the first rest period. run 1/2 mile. rest again, equal to the first rest period. run 1/8 mile backward.

#2) 75 overhead squats with 55 lbs. not for time. break up the reps however you like. lots of abs when it gets hard.

#3) 3x3 shoulder press. 4x4 push press. 5x5 push jerk.

#4) for time:

20 cal on rower (sub dead lifts @ 3/4 bodyweight if no rower)
30 pullups
40 kb swings (16 kg)
50 burpees
60 box jumps (20")
70 sit ups
80 double unders

#5) tabata pushups

Monday, December 14, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/14/09

#1) set up two cones 20 yards apart. For two minutes run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 1 minute. For 90 seconds run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 45 seconds. For one minute run back and forth as many times as possible. rest 30 seconds. For 30 seconds run back and forth as many times as possible.

#2) 5x3 thruster. I would say to start at around 70lbs for your first set. you should be close to failure at some point.

#3) 3 rounds of 3 weighted pull ups, 5 dead hang pull ups, 7 kipping pull ups, 9 jump pull ups. Try to increase the weight every time. (if you cannot do dead hang pull ups or even kipping pull ups do 100 jump pull ups or 5 rounds of 5 smith pull ups and 10 jump pull ups).

#4) for time, rep rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:
-Sumo Dead Lift High pull (65 lbs).
-box jumps (20").
-sit ups.

#5) AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

-12 Kettle Bell swings (16 kgs).
-10 air squats.
-8 pushups (remember, no knee pushups. if you need to snake up and down that is fine).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

WODs for Week of 12/7/09

#1) 4x400 meters. rest about 2:1 (rest twice as long as it took you to run).

#2) Start with the weight at bodyweight and dead lift 3 times. add ten pounds after every 3 reps until 3 reps cannot be completed. Take your time. when failing on the DL, DO NOT ROUND YOUR BACK AND KEEP PULLING. JUST SET BACK DOWN OR DROP WHEN IT GETS TOO HEAVY.

#3) 4x6 one hand snatch. good start weight might be 20 lbs (use dumbells). (don't make fun of my harem of old men:). Get heavy with it!!!

#4) AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
-5 thrusters (70 lbs)
-5 pullups (jumping, not smith machine)
-5 burpees

#5) 4 rounds for time of:
-12 push-jerks (65 lbs).
-50 double unders.
-6 feet to bar.