Saturday, October 24, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/26

#1) 4x40m sprints. 4x20m sprints. 4x10m sprints. 10 max distance broad jumps. 10 max hieght tuck jumps. 10 max one leg horizontal jumps (each leg).

#2) Max back squat. Max front squat, Max overhead squat.

#3) 21,15,9 of:
-DLs 135lbs or 75% of max DL.

#4) AMRAYC in 12 minutes of:
-8 burpees box jumps (do a burpee, then jump onto a 20" platform and stand up w/ full hip extension on top of the platform),
-15 situps.

*Note: these weights are prescribed for women and are 2/3 the weight I would prescribe for men.

Monday, October 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/19/09

1) Sprint 100y in 20 seconds or less, rest ten seconds and repeat until the 100y mark cannot be reached in 20 seconds. if you cannot complete at least 8 rounds, do at least 8 100m sprints in 20 sec with as little rest as possible.

2) 5x3 shoulder press, 3x5 bench press, 3 attempts of max rep push ups (so as many pushups in a row as possible, rest as long as desired and repeat 3x).

3) AMRAYC in 20 minutes of:
- 5 squat cleans, 80 lbs (or whatever you're comfortable with. no more than 95 lbs though).
- 7 burpees.
- 9 feet to bar.

4) For time, complete 5 rounds of:
- 15 KB swings (16 kg).
- 20 wallball (14 lbs).
- 25 Double unders.

*Note: these weights are prescribed for women and are 2/3 the weight I would prescribe for men.

Monday, October 12, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/12

1) Run as far as you can in 6 minutes. Rest 3 minutes. Run as far as you can in 4 minutes. Rest 2 minutes. Run as far as you can in 2 minutes. breathe.

2) 3x3 clean and jerk. 3x3 power clean. 3x3 dead lift. Should be close to failure on 3 rep of each set.

3) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds of:
Pull ups, shoulder press @45lbs, hip extensions (if no apparatus then do air squats).

4) 10 feet to bar, 20 jump squats, 30 pushups, 40 sit ups, 50 double unders, 60 burpees.

Monday, October 5, 2009

WODs for Week of 10/5

#1) Run 100 forward, run 100 backward X 10. rest as desired between (but run forward then backwards uninterrupted)

#2) 20xBacksquat @ 115 lbs (or challenging weight). Tabata squats (continuously 8x(20seconds work followed by 10 seconds of rest)).

#3) 21,15,9 of KB swings, burpees, feet to bar.

#4) As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of:
6 clean and jerk @ 80lbs
9 ring dips (or bar dips or pushups)
15 sit ups