Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WODs for 8/26 - 9/3

#1) Double alternating Tabata Running and squats. For 20 seconds you will sprint as far as you can, rest 10 seconds, then for twenty seconds you will complete as many squats as possible, rest ten seconds and repeat. you will continuesly do a total of 8rounds of this. So the workout will take 7:50 to complete.

#2) 5x3 Backsquat, 3x5 front squat, 4x4 overhead squat.

#3) For time @65lbs, 5 rounds of:
12 dead lifts
9 Hang cleans
6 push jerks

#4) 6x2min w/ 30 sec rest of:
2 burpees, 3 pull ups, 4 box jumps.

Try to space out workout #2 and #3 by at least 2 days.

I will post a couple more running WODs next week.

Friday, August 21, 2009


If anyone has any questions of any kind or would like me to continue posting workouts please email me or post to comments. I hope, for anyone who followed them, that the workouts were fun, challenging and increased your capacity to do work during a rugby game. Good luck this season!

Friday, August 7, 2009

WODs for Week of 8/10

#1) This workout is not for time, do not be in a hurry. Do each set with adequate rest in between, 1-2 min roughly. You should fail/be very close to failure on every set so set your weights accordingly. start with approximately 66% of your one rep max (if you don't know then estimate) for your first set of 10 for each exercise.

3x (10,8,6) of:

Power clean and jerk ,

-Notice how she catches it on her shoulders and not with her hands. If your wrists are not flexible enough to do that then be careful when you are catching the weight.
-Pull the bar up and throw it up to yourself at a perpendicular angle to the ground.
-Start with the bar as close to your shins, if not touching, as possible.
-Your arms are straps. Do not bend your elbows until your legs are straight and are standing erect. This will allow you to recruit maximum leg power and transfer it to the bar
-In these videos she does a full squat when she receives the bar. That is not necessary. You can just catch it on your shoulders without squatting.

Dead Lift and Shoulder Press.

For the preceding three exercises you will complete one set of 10, 8 and 6 repetitions.

#2) 3x50m sprint, 3x100m sprint, 3/200m sprint. Rest as desired.

#3) 21,15,9 of Thrusters (65lbs) and Pull ups for time.

#4) As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes of:

-20 Box Jumps
-20 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders. I strongly encourage you to do double unders regardless of how bad you think you are or how much you think you'll never be able to do them.
-20 push ups. No more doing push ups on your knees. I don't care how you get to and from, but you need to begin in plank or the "up position" without your knees on the ground and your back parallel to the ground. If when doing your push up you need your knees to touch the ground before your chest and/or leave the ground after your chest that is fine. But all the way up and down.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

WODs for Week of 8/3

#1) 4x(Run 100m forwards, Run 100m backwards, 20 squats)

#2) Max Dead Lift, Max Backsquat, Max Shoulder press. About 5 sets of one for each exercise.

#3) There will be four exercise periods of 3 minutes with a one minute rest period between each round. So, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work, 1 min rest, 3min work.

During each work period you will do AMRAYC of:

-3 clean and jerks @75lbs
-6 burpees

You will start at the beginning of the list for each round. So if you finished the previous round on your second burpee, you will not begin the next round on the third.

#4) For time: 25 pull ups, 25 pushups, 15 Walking Lunges, 15 KB swings (16kg), 20 pull ups, 20 pushups, 20 Walking Lunges, 20 KB swings (16kg), 15 pull ups, 15 pushups, 30 Walking Lunges, 30 KB swings (16kg).