Monday, July 27, 2009

WODs for Week of 7/27

WOD #1 - Do as many backsquats in a row ias you can at the weight of 115lbs, rest a few minutes, do as many backsquats in a row as you can at the weight of 95lbs, rest a few minutes and the same thing at 75 lbs. if you feel uncomfortable doing these weights prescribe your own weights. You should be getting close to 20 reps at each of the weights, so prescribe accordingly.

WOD #2 - 5x(sprint 150m, jog 50m, walk 50m). You will complete all 5 progressions continuously. after you have done all 5 you will rest for a few minutes. Then 4x(run 100m, jog 50m, walk 50m). You will complete all 4 progressions continuously. after you have done all 4 you will rest for a few minutes. Then 3x(run 50m, jog 50m, walk 50m).

WOD #3 - You will complete rep rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of the following exercises:

1-Sumo Dead Lif High Pull (SDLHP, see previous workouts for links to videos)
2-Dips (preferably on the rings, if not on stationary bars, if not then pushups)
3-Burpees (we all know what these are by now i hope)

WOD #4 - 2xAMRAYC in 10 min with 2 minutes rest between rounds of

20 double unders or 60 single unders (jump rope)
15 KB swings @ 16kg
10 pull ups

Sunday, July 19, 2009

WODs for Week of 7/20

1-Max Push Jerk

2-10x50 yard sprints. rest as much as you like between sprints.

3- AMRAYC in 20 minutes of:
10 dead lifts @ 135 (or less)
12 pull ups (jumping or otherwise)
30 double unders or 100 single unders (jump rope). the double unders will be very challenging to learn. but dont get frustrated, just keep working at them and you will get them down. trust me i have gotten very uncoordinated people to do them.

4- 5 rounds for time of:
15 hip extensions
12 front squats. 85 lbs.
9 push ups

Monday, July 13, 2009

WODs for week of 7/13

-Run as far as you can in twenty minutes.

here are some running form tips. consult the exercises and demos link for additional running information.

.mov -
.wmv -

-you will act out the proceeding exercises for the itinerary provided:

work 5 min
rest 2.5 min
work 4 min
rest 2 min
work 3 min
rest 1.5 min
work 2 min
- 12 box jumps 20"
- 9 KB swing 16 kg
- 6 Overhead squats 45 lbs

5x5 shoulder press

21, 15, 9 of:

Power cleans (up to 100 lbs), Knees to Elbows and hand stand pushups (HSPU). if you cannot to handstand pushups do pushups with your feet elevated or regular push ups and then practice some static handstands after the WOD. try not to do this WOD and the previous in a row.

sorry for getting this up so late. out of town. and i didnt edit, so forgive any poor sentences.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week of 7/6/09

1: As Many Rounds As You Can (AMRAYC) in 20 minutes of:
21 burpees
14 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 65 lbs recommended (SDLHP)
7 Pull-ups (If jumping be sure that your arms are straight at the bottom and your chin is over the bar at the top)

post rounds completed. if you only get through half the round when the time runs out please write down what you completed. For example: 5 rounds +burpees+10 SDLHP

Post-WOD 40 hollow body rocks (

2: run a 200 (1/2 lap) starting every minute for six minutes. rest 3 minutes. run a 200 (1/2 lap) starting every minute for 3 minutes. note if you were able to complete the workout. if you cannot keep up then lengthen the period of time to 1:15.

3. 5x3 power clean.
40 Knees To Elbows

4: Rep rounds of 21, 15, 9 of the following exercises for time:
ring dips or regular dips or pushups
sit ups
wall ball
you will throw a 16 lb med ball at a target ten ft in the air. if you do not have a med ball or a wall do thrusters instead with 15 lb dumbells.
So, you will complete 21 repetitions of all of the exercises, then you will complete 15 repetitions of all of the exercises and then you will complete 9 repetitions of all the exercises. post times to comments.