Monday, March 15, 2010

WODs for week of 3/15/10

1) 8x2 box squat. extra wide feet with toes pointed forward. NO knees forward at all. Sit to the box just long enough to let your weight shift to it. NO touch and go and NO rocking and rolling. Box squats will really eliminate soreness as the eccentric contraction will be limited by the box.

2) AMRAP in 6 min:
-3 each arm, one hand snatch @ 30 lbs.
-4 burpees
-5 pullups

3) Row 250m, 8 power cleans @65 lbs. 4 rounds.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WODs for Week of 3/9/10

#1) 10x2 box squat backsquat (look it up on youtube). rest 1 minute between efforts. do at 60% of your 1 rep max. 5x5 good mornings.

#2) AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 3 pullups, 5 pushups, 7 KB swings (16 KGs).

#3) 21,15,9 of: SDLHP (65lbs) and situps.

gonna be toning down the programming as we're in season. no more extra running unless you want me to put one up. let me know.

Monday, March 1, 2010

WODs for Week of 3/1/10

Happy March Everyone!!!

#1) Every minute on the minute for ten minutes you will do 3 burpees. you will run as far as possible for the remainder of the minute. This would work well not on the treadmill or road.

#2) 20x20y sprints. walk back and go again.

#3) find your 3 rep max backsquat. afterwards start to do some good mornings. very good for low back and hamstrings. there are lots of different ways to do them but here is the most common and simple good mornings. look around if you would like to do other kinds.

#4) 3 rounds of 30 walking lunges, 20 pushups, 15 air squats, 10 power cleans w/ 95 lbs (probably need to use less weight unless youre really good at cleans).

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Workouts for Week of 2/22/10

1) 4x50y sprint, 4x100y sprint, run 1 mile. rest as desired between the sprints.

2) 4x: 1:00 of 20y shuttle (back and forth between cones 20y apart). rest 1:00 between efforts.

3) 5x2 power cleans (80% of 1 rep max). rest 1min between efforts.

4) every minute for 5 minutes dead lift about 60% of your 1rep max 4x. for the rest of the minute do as many pullups or jump pullups as possible. rest for a bit and then do the same thing but replace the pullups with burpees and do about 10 lbs less on the dead lift (unless it wasnt challenging on the first go 'round).

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Congrats to the NOVA girls who competed in the Las Vegas Sevens. You all are awesome!!!

WODs for Week of 2/8/10

1) 2 rounds of tabata running. On the second time through you will rest for 20 seconds instead of ten. if you feel uncomfortable doing this on the treadmill and cannot run outside somewhere, sub rowing or do a similar version of workout #2 in the pool.

2) every 2 minutes on the minute for 20 minutes you will run 200m (half lap). this one should not pose such a problem for you teadmill runners.

3) 5x5 backsquat at 70% of you one rep max (better to guess on the lighter side).

4) AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

5 dumbell hang cleans (30 lb DBs)
5 feet to bar
5 burpees

Sunday, February 7, 2010

WODs for Week of 2/8/10

1) 5x(50y sprint, 50y walk, 200y run, rest 1 min)

2) row 5k.

3) at 50% of your Dead Lift (DL) max you will DL twice every minute for 12 minutes.

4) 5x3 minute rounds with 90 seconds rest between of:

-3 power cleans
-3 burpees

5) for time you will complete rep round of 21,15,9 for each exercise:
-jumping goblet squats (35 lbs)
-hip extensions (sub sit ups if no apparatus)